Thursday, April 14, 2011

Problem with Google

Does anyone else have the same problem with Google that I am having? Because I am about to drop Google as my search engine.


Every time I go to look up something, anything, Google redirects me to some stupid site like "Gimme Answers" which gives you NOTHING - there are dozens of these sites that are redirects. You can't get back from them without closing Google - they are advertisement sites that have NOTHING to do with what I'm searching for. They are a total waste of time and provide NO value except to screw with Google.

If I completely go out of Google and try the same request again, eventually I get to the site I'm looking for, but it's a ridiculous, aggravating waste of time. AND I get no help from Google.

If you know how to contact Google and you too are being screwed with by these useless sites - let Google know that they have a problem.

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